
Domesticated ducks are mainly kept for production of meat, eggs, and down. Ducks are also bred for show, pets, or their ornamental value. Except from the Muscovy, all domesticated ducks descended from the Mallard. Ducks often will eat insects and slugs. They can be raised in a garden or backyard however a coop should be provided to protect them from predators like foxes, hawks, coyotes, and racoons. Many domesticated ducks can’t fly due to their large size. Ducks have been farmed for thousands of years, and are extensively raised in China. Ducks are good at free ranging and love having access to swimming water, however it is not required for them. They are excellent as bug control for gardens and yards as well. They should not be fed bread as it has little nutritional value to them and can cause choking in immature birds. Ducks will set on their own eggs, however some breeds like muscovys and rouens are better than others. A mother duck will pass preen oil off to her ducklings making their feathers waterproof. It is important to note that ducklings hatched from an incubator do not get their oil glands until they are 2 weeks and so should not be allowed to swim until that time. Ducklings will be close to mature size at 8 weeks, except muscovys which are slower maturing. Male ducks with mallard-like plumage will undergo an eclipse molt in late summer during which they will look like females. They will molt again back to male colouring later in the year. Ducks are generally divided into several classes based in use. They are bantam, meat (heavy), egg (light), and dual purpose types. Each type of duck has its own advantages, and the breed that is right for you will depend on your individual wants and needs.

Duckopolis raises the following breeds of ducks:

Campbell, Indian Runner